BGH judgment is "no license for pet owners"
The Federal Court has made an important judgment for livestock owners in rental housing: According to judgment (BGH, AZ .: VIII ZR 168/12) landlords are no longer prohibited from holding dogs and cats in rented apartments. The judges saw such clauses in leases as an inappropriate disadvantage to the tenants. Therefore, such chauses are ineffective. But the BGH judgment is therefore "not a license for pet owners", emphasize experts of the ARAG insurance.
Conditions for animal husbandry in rental housing
The federal judges have namely also emphasizes that animal lovers may not keep their Vierbeier at all costs and without consideration for others. On the contrary, a "comprehensive consideration of the specific interests and interests of the lease parties, the other residents and the neighbors must be carried out". Although a dog owner was right in the underlying case, the ARAG experts point out that his dog was, first, a small animal and, in addition, none of the other tenants felt disturbed by the small dog - and this is an absolute requirement for the keeping of animals in rental housing. Text: Marion Friedl