Cats also purr in pain and anxiety
Ask the veterinarian or eliminate the cause of the fear
Therefore: Exactly Listen and watch, because if the cat purrs very often or even constantly, then something might be wrong and the vet should take a closer look at the purr.
When fear is involved, you should always listen point and sharpen the eyes when the cat purrs. Is she worried about loud noises in the hallway? Is a thunderstorm the trigger? Is it perhaps the construction site noise? Does she always purr when a visitor comes? Is it snarled when the cat sees something specific through the window or even turns the neighboring cat in front of her nose? Find out when and why your cat purrs and eliminate the cause. This is not always possible, because you can not simply dissolve a construction site in front of the house. But you can distract the cat with a game, offer it a quieter place in the next room or reduce the noise from outside by, for example, running the radio or TV.
Anti-anxiety Training with the Noise-CD
You can also help with an Anti-Anxiety-Training with a sound-CD. Example Donner: The thunder noise is played very softly and after a few times Mieze hears the thunder a step louder. To increase the volume of the frightening sound gradually. As soon as the cat becomes restless, you stop the workout and start again the next day - but again with two to three volume levels lower than at the end of the training, because then the cat still felt comfortable in her skin. Then work your way back step by step to loud thunder noise. One day the thunder will be as loud as in reality and the cat will be calmer than usual. Then you have reached your training goal.
Comforting and calming is the wrong way!
Important: During the CD training you do not pay attention to the cat, but instead You seemingly read a book. No reassuring word, no comforting, caressing, nothing. When the cat comes in contact with you, she is allowed to, but they do not respond to their approach, just let them sit directly by you or nearby. This is not hard-hearted, but smart of you: Any calming or consoling word, any compassionate touch would only tell the cat: I am being affirmed for my behavior, so something is really wrong and I am right with my fear. That's exactly what you do not want to tell her, right? Text/Photo: Marion Friedl